Check out the festival map and locations of Highlight Delft!

During Highlight Delft, about 30 installations and performances can be seen throughout the city center. This year we are extremely happy again with the beautiful locations that can be found on our route. Check here to see at which locations you can experience all the installations and performances!
The program and venues will be added to until the day of the festival, so keep an eye on the program schedule to stay informed of the full program!

Theater de Veste (Vesteplein 1, Delft)
– SH4D0W
– Forming Folds
– Face-2-Face
– The Personal Press
– _SUBS: Personal Companion Kiosk
– And more program around AI coming up
Theater de Veste is a well-known location for many residents of Delft (and surrounding areas) where some 250 performances, events and programs take place each year. This year Theater de Veste is the location for a unique Highlight Delft event: the international success performance SH4D0W!

This is the first theater performance in which an AI (Artificial Intelligence) plays the leading role. During the festival, the foyers of theater de Veste will be transformed into an AI discovery space by Highlight Delft with installations and prototypes by students and companies.
On view, for example, is Forming Folds by Zeno van den Broek, in which he trains an AI to generate a new language using existing texts to distort and reflect, and experience digital space. Relaxing from all the AI input can be done in the installation OUROBOROS, an oasis of calm. Maker Jeroen Alexander Meijer leads you through a spatial composition of sound, allowing you to de-stress and experience the constant shifting of your attention.
Expo Arsenaal Delft (Korte Geer 1)
– Scorched Earth
– DELIGHT – DEsigning LIGHT for real-world challenges
The building that houses Expo Arsenaal consists of a collection of roughly three historic structures. It began in 1602 as an ammunition store for Dutch fleets. Over the years, warehouses, forges and smokehouses were added between 1602 and 1833. In 2020, the building was transformed and once again has three destinations, Hotel Arsenaal Delft by Westcord, restaurant Loetje and event location Expo Arsenaal.

Expo Arsenaal is the perfect location to bring a couple of special installations for this years festival to life. With Scorched Earth Filipp Groubnov recreates the Zone Rouge in France, a place that in reality is no longer accessible due to pollution. Sophia Bulgakova, with YOU ARE SOURCE PROJECTION AND REFLECTION, invites the audience to individually explore the space of her installation and, with the help of translucent screens, immerse themselves in merging clouds of words.
The Social Hub (van Leeuwenhoekpark 1)
– EyeSeeDifferent
– LC-5CB
– Curved sounds
– Selective Reflections
– Bio-Haptics
– RGB Phantasy & LED Wormhole
– Super Surface
– Build/Behold: The Qubit
The Social Hub Delft is a hotel right next to Delft’s train station where a community of travelers, locals and students come together to learn, stay, work and play. Whether you’re looking for coworking space, a hotel room for a day to a year or a restaurant to host a party, The Social Hub has spaces for all your needs.

During the festival you will discover extraordinary Highlight Delft installations in various hotel rooms. For example Super Surface by Lilian Kreutzberger, who speculates about a future, completely digitized, world in which people are completely surrounded by screens with images and representations. In this world, the surface of physical objects such as buildings and furniture would be covered with a constantly changing “digital skin.
Stationshal Delft
– View beneath Delft
– Unseen Echoes

Are you coming to Delft by train for Highlight Delft? Then the festival begins as soon as you get off at Delft Station! The impressive installation View Beneath Delft By Richard Vijgen is on display and the Dreamteam of the T.U. Delft, Emergence, mixes Unseen Echoes the virtual and the invisible by projecting virtual people with infrared between the audience at the station. Virtual entities that are just as present on a screen as the “real” people, but in reality are just an echo.
Huis van Delft (Houttuinen 27)
– House of Henri
At this special multifunctional location right next to the train station, you can discover the installation House of Henri by students of the minor Spaces of Display at TU Delft in six different rooms .
Here you will dive into the wonderful world of Henri Baudet’s collection of every object you can imagine; from quirky artifacts to timeless treasures.
You will also see creative interpretations of an exhibition for the gallery space in the Innovation Gallery by the talented students of TU Delft’s minor Spaces of Display.

– Spectrum Spirale XL
Walking along the canals you can also come across our installations! In the beautiful Voldersgracht, standing on the Kapelbrug you can see a special installation, which according to its creator, Fredrico Murgia, has a meditative and hallucinatory character…..

OPEN Delft (Vesteplein 100)
– Self spot
OPEN Delft is an inspiring meeting place where language, culture and technology come together. During Highlight Delft the installations of KITE and Self spot can be found here. From KITE you can see the result of the cooperation they have set up with Highlight Delft hundreds of Delft youth, pupils and students have participated. In the installation Self spot a shadow world comes to life with the help of a spotlight, a world that shows our human and recognizable but often unspoken emotions and feelings.

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